00 17/02/2015 17:29
Uno studio carino sulla vitamina C e la glicazione:


Per la domanda sopra, direttamente dalla wiki, sulle AGE:

Dietary AGEs (dAGEs) can be present in some foods (particularly meat, also butter and some vegetable products), and can form in food during cooking, particularly in dry cooking such as frying, roasting and baking, far less so in boiling, stewing, steaming and microwaving.[2]

In addition some foods promote glycation within the body. The total state of oxidative and peroxidative stress on the healthy body, with the AGE-related damage to it,[citation needed] is proportional to the dietary intake of exogenous (preformed) AGEs and the consumption of sugars with a propensity towards glycation such as fructose[6] and galactose.[7]

Questo significa che in particolare, il fruttosio e il galattosio sono "propensi" alla glicazione.

Altra informazione sulla glicazione, sempre dalla wiki:

Glycation (sometimes called non-enzymatic glycosylation) is the result of typically covalent bonding of a protein or lipid molecule with a sugar molecule, such as fructose or glucose, without the controlling action of an enzyme.

L'ultima parte in grassetto penso che valga da sola una menzione davvero speciale, perchè si ricollega a tutto il discorso degli enzimi e di mangiare le cose crude, bere il latte crudo, ecc ecc.